Penny Maxwell Bingham, Owner and Innkeeper

grams1“Twelve years ago, Penny was living in Sacramento, California. She had been running a bed-and-breakfast for nine years, but knew in her heart it wasn’t where she wanted to be. In her mind’s eye she pictured a perfect small town. ‘There would be a vibrant Main Street near a college’, she says, recalling her vision. ‘I would live in a big house with a porch, on a busy street. The town would be flat enough to ride my bike or walk everywhere.’ While on a duck-hunting trip in Walla Walla, her husband called her from Main Street. ‘You know’, he told her, ‘I think I’m in your dream.’ As it turned out, either Penny found it, or it found her – a large Craftsman house on Boyer Avenue not far from Whitman College. It is now known as The Maxwell House Bed & Breakfast.” -Janice James, Walla Walla Lifestyles Magazine

Penny has been an innkeeper for over 20 years and delights in providing her guests with wonderful hospitality. When Penny isn’t busy pampering her guests, you can find her on a leisurely walk downtown, playing pickleball at the park, reading a good book, or visiting family. She is eager to welcome you to her beautiful home!


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